Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border has one job opportunity. This is an exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire one expert to complete its team, as follows:

  1. expert – 1 position – Construction Engineer with the code: EIC;


The personal application should include the following scanned documents:

  1. A detailed Curriculum Vitae – EUROPASS Format in English.
  2. A motivation letter in English, no more than one page.
  3. Copies of the relevant supporting documents regarding the studies and the experience mentioned in the CV (diplomas, certificates, letters of recommendation, certificates regarding the prior performance of some activities/contracts, if applicable, etc.);
  4. Declaration on own responsibility regarding the conflict of interests (Annex 4 of the Rules for organizing and development of the selection process)

The personal application should include the following references:

  1. The vacancy code for which is applying (namely EIC);
  2. E-mail address for communicating the results of the selection process.

Based on the personal application, the recruitment committee will select the candidates who meet the recruitment conditions that were established within the 2nd annex of the selection process regulation.

During the day of 14th of February 2025, the candidates placed on the short-list will be informed by e-mail, about the result and invited to the interview. Also the candidates that will not be „accepted” will be informed by e-mail.

Attention!!! The knowledge of the “accepted” candidates in the fields of their expertise will be assessed during an interview (based on the bibliography of the current selection process) that will be organised on 18th of February, 2025.

The short-list with the “accepted” candidates will be posted on the during the day of 14th of February 2025.


The application should be sent by e-mail at address, in accordance with the application procedure mentioned above.

All applications submitted within the deadline will be acknowledged.

Applicant data will be managed under the provisions of art. 29 of the Law 53/2003 (Labor Code), republished and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – download) and observing the provisions of the Romanian Law with the no. 182/2002.


14th of February 2025, hour 1200.

Only those applications submitted before the deadline of this vacancy announcement will be eligible for consideration!


The interviews with short-listed candidates will be held on 18th of February 2025, at our headquarters, Chiciu area, Calarasi County (please check the attached map).

Location map CBC RO Calarasi


The position will be contracted on behalf of the Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Călărași for the Romania–Bulgaria Border. The activity will be carried out through telework regime and governed by Romanian labor law. The working schedule is flexible, and will be settled in the  individual labor contract.

The main activities that will be performed by the employee are related with the assessment of application forms submitted under the Interreg VI-A Romania Bulgaria Programme Call for Proposals. The employee main task will be to assess the infrastructure documentation of the Bulgarian partners included in the project proposal and to issue a report regarding the main findings according with the rules of the respective Call for proposals.

Attention! A individual labor contract will be signed according with the Romanian labor law. No civil or service contracts will be accepted.


The selected candidate should take up the assigned position starting as soon as possible.

Successful applicant will be employed by the CBC ROC and will be granted a 2 months contract.

The details related to the conditions for the selection process and to the bibliography are available at by accessing the links below:

* Rules for organizing and development of the selection process

* Selection process bibliography


For details related to the conditions of selection process, the bibliography, more details of the EMPLOYMENT TERMS, etc.: CROSS BORDER COOPERATION REGIONAL OFFICE CALARASI FOR THE ROMANIA – BULGARIA BORDER headquarters, Mr. Petrus Alexandru CIOCARLAN – HR Department.

Phone no: +40 242 313.091, or by e-mail address