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Rezultatele finale aferente celei de-a II-a etape (Interviul) a procesului de selecţie nr. 33/24.08.2022, ce a fost lansat în vederea ocupării unui post vacant de asistent manager din cadrul BRCT Călărași.

Click aici pentru a decărca.

De |septembrie 6th, 2022|Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

The final results of the recruitment process no. 32/26.07.2022, launched in order fill in 4 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here

De |august 26th, 2022|Achizitii Publice, Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Biroul Regional pentru Cooperare Transfrontalieră Călăraşi pentru graniţa România-Bulgaria (BRCT Călăraşi) organizează un proces de selecţie în vederea ocupării unui post vacant de asistent manager din cadrul BRCT Călăraşi

Pentru a
descărca regulamentul şi anunţurile aferente procesului de selecţie pentru
ocuparea unui post vacant din cadrul BRCT Călăraşi, accesaţi următoarele link-uri:

Anunt asistent manager;Regulamentul;

Datele cu caracter personal vor fi prelucrate în temeiul art. 29 din cadrul Legii 53/2003 (Codul Muncii) republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare și în conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și […]

De |august 24th, 2022|Fără categorie, Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview

For download click here

De |august 18th, 2022|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

4 financial experts


The Joint Secretariat for the
Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 4 job opportunities. This is an
exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of
territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria
border wants to hire full time experts in its Calarasi Office (Romania) to
complete its team, with […]

De |iulie 26th, 2022|Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

The final results of the recruitment process no. 31/14.06.2022, launched in order fill in 9 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department. For download click here.

De |iulie 18th, 2022|Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancies

The candidates admitted (short-list) to participate at the structured interview

For download click here

De |iulie 12th, 2022|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

Job Vacancy

3 project managers

3 financial experts

2 contracting experts

1 Information and promotion expert

The Joint Secretariat for the
Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 9 jobs opportunities. This is an
exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of
territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Regional
Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts
in its […]

De |iunie 14th, 2022|Noutati- Evenimente, Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii

The final results of the recruitment process no. 30/09.07.2021, launched in order fill in 8 vacancies within the Joint Secretariats General Department

For download click here

De |august 24th, 2021|Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii


2 project managers  

3 contracting experts

1 financial expert

1 assistant


The Joint Secretariat for the
Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme has 7 jobs opportunities. This is an
exciting opportunity to join an international team working in the field of
territorial and regional development.

Cross Border Cooperation Regional
Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to hire full time experts
in its Calarasi […]

De |aprilie 22nd, 2021|Posturi vacante|0 Comentarii